Monday, October 20, 2008

So today I learnt about ...


I had joined a while back but didn't know how to work it and hadn't had time to sit and play. But thanks to the lovely Raewyn and Penny I now have the blogs I visit on my blog lines! I believe this is going to save me time ... and it should ... I often go back and forth to peoples blogs to see if they have updated.

Penny has a great tuition on her blog
Part 1
Part 2
Thanks very much Penny!

So now I am up with the play as far as blogs are concerned - Are you?
Oh and I was wrapped to see I have 3 blog followers who have ME! on their bloglines.


Anonymous said...

Now thats funny but just to confuse the issue I have changed from Bloglines to Google Reader as I found bloglines wasn't letting me know about some blogs! By the way I'm one of your 3! LOL

Anonymous said...

Bloglines has been playing up but to be honest it does the job most of the time. Although in saying that I have been getting updates for blogs today that have had posts on for the last week, that I didn't know about. Love the new blog banner and was great to meet you al be it briefly and SENZ.Love the cards you made and that dragonfly card made with foil is awesome. Sounds like you had a blast at SENZ.

Nicki said...

Hey there Vicki - nice to know someone wants to come back and read about my ordinary life!

Janine - I felt my head was in a another place at SENZ I should have stopped to chat but off we were again! We did have a blast and are looking forward to Auckland next year! We laughed and had so much fun - I had sore stomach muscles! The only negative thing was I ended up with a migraine just as I finished my last class on Sunday. Must have been from excitement. So if I saw you on Sunday and didn't speak it was probably cos I didn't see you!

Sandra said...

Hey Nicki
I follow your blog on bloglines...I must be one of the three. Now I just have to update mine more often eh :-)