Thursday, September 25, 2008

I've been tagged by Raewyn. Check out her blog

Here are the rules:

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So I don't really have any one to tag as I am a 'blog stalker' but thought I would share with those who do visit a few facts

Some facts:~

1. I wear mascara and eyeliner everyday - even to the calf shed!

2. I have to have a shower everyday or I don't 'feel' awake.

3. I hate housework - oh you probably know that lol

5. When Phil and I were first married and BC (before children) I used to sing him Amazing Grace in bed - I feel a scrap page for my BOM coming on lol

6. I sometimes snort when I laugh ( I had to ask the kids what a weird thing is about me and this what they told me lol) They also told me I laugh at nothing - lol - another BOM idea - my Grandma Trowell who lived in a granny flat with us for 17 years and passed away 1 month after Phil and I got married used to tell me the same thing - she would wiggle her index finger and tell me to laugh at this would ya.

7. James tells me I mix up my words sometimes. Quote from him when I asked him what he meant : ' Like some words disappear and I put something else in like something that is not even related to the sentence" I am laughing at this so much I am crying lol. And I'm still not sure I understand what he means??

8. Callum tells me I sing in the shower - out of tune!

9. Rebecca tells me I act like a peanutter. ??? humpph whats with that??

10. Rebecca also tells me I do things and then tell them off for doing the same things lol This is a mothers right!

Well I've had a really good giggle and laugh over this - its good for the soul!

I don't have any one to tag! lol

1 comment:

Raewyn aka whinney said...

oops think I lost that last comment...
you gave me a good giggle too with your random facts.

btw I have the Enc of an Ordinary life book if you want to borrow it. I can bring it to SENZ.