Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Next word and Mum the nerd

Emily has posted her new word - its Connect - hmm going to have to do some thinking about that one.

I've so far kept up my gratitude journal and have been enjoying thinking during the day what I am thankful for. Yesterday the pigs got out again and James and I with the help of Atu walked them back to their 'home'. It was raining - (which we are very thankful for) I was also thankful for the short time I spent with James as we walked in the rain, talking about the turnips, the pigs, and the random things James came out with- he told told me I looked like a nerd with the rain on my classes as I pretended to use my fingers as a windscreen wiper. I need to treasure these moments as he goes to High School next year and we can already see the changes that are approaching us - at very high speed!

Have a good day.

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