Saturday, January 19, 2008

Gratitude Journal

Happy New Year everyone - hope your new year has started better than ours! After not being able to go to the beach for our awaited holiday due to work reasons, Phil jumped off the tractor and has done the cartilige in his knee - not a good start to the year. He his currently hobbling along on crutches he goes back to the hospital on Tuesday to see where he goes from here.

I've made this journal after viewing one at Its to record something that you are thankful for each day. Life gets a bit tough sometimes and we have certainly had our fair share of 'toughness' lately and I thought it would be nice to try and get my 'head' back in a better place. My first entry was 'water - I was thankful for water in the kids pool after a hot day in the office' lol. I enjoyed making the journal for myself and it was fun to find bits of paper for it. They are all shapes and sizes, an envelope with an old address on it, a wedding invite, a postcard, even a coaster and top of the invite from our wedding 18 years ago! The aim is to have 52 bits of paper one for each week and then number the paper from 1-7 for each day of the week. I think it will be fun to look back on each day particularly if I am having a real low or bad day - as we all do from time to time! What I liked about this project was I did whatever I liked with it - I think it will make a great keepsake. I'm not much of a diary writer so I also thought that a word a day would be good to get that habit started of writing things down. My MIL is very good at filling in her diary daily and I wish it was something I had the discipline to do.

Rebecca also wanted to make one - I think she has done a great job and she also enjoyed finding bits of card and paper for hers. Her first entry was 'dreams - magic moments'. I have been trying to post a pic but it doesn't want to work so will do that in next post. Its worth waiting for!

And today I'm thankful that I have two healthy legs to walk on!


Raewyn aka whinney said...

Love your Thankful journals Nicki & Rebecca! I have great intentions of making one too, I have so far collected a tonne of papers and bits but haven't put them all together yet. I have, however been recording my thankful notes every day. One day I will get it all put together.

Remember - A thankful heart is a happy heart.

Anonymous said...

I just found a photo of your journal in the gallery at Scrapbook Essentials, and then saw a link to your blog in your profile. So then I get here and notice you saw my Gratitude Journal on my blog and that it inspired you to make one! Wow, that's cool! I'm glad I was able to do that. Yours looks awesome, and so does your daughter's one.