Friday, October 12, 2007

Felt Pockets, Zek and and a IPod Nano

Well I think its a IPOD Nano anyway lol.

As most of you know I'm not very good at just sitting and like to keep my hands busy so when we hit HB and I didn't have anything with me I went and brought needles and felt to fiddle around with at night. This became quite a production line!

When we got to Debs Zek had spied the felt and ask if I had any felt that he could have as he had brought a new IPOD Nano (I think that was what it it) its the tiniest little movie player that I had ever seen. He had brought it on his trip to OZ and its so new he informed me that they don't have covers out for it yet and he would love a little piece of felt that he could use to make a cover for it. Zek, I said, would you like me to make you a felt pocket - ohh yes please auntie - so I felt quite privilege that my strapping 18 year old nephew still wanted his auntie to sew him something. Zek is like his mother and in to crucifixes and I managed to get a small cross from spotlight and sewed that on to the front of it. There were then a number of smaller nieces and nephews who all also wanted felt pockets for mp3 players and yugi yo cards so I ended up sewing felt pockets! Of course they all also wanted to do there own and Libby, Tom and Callum all did great jobs of theirs.

The great news is that Zek has been offered his first job as a Electricians Lackey in Turangi - I wish him all the best as his embarks on his adult working life and hope that it turns into a Apprenticeship.

GOOD LUCK ZEK - and auntie loves you!

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