Well we had a good Ag Hort Day yesterday and the rain held off for most of the judging. It did pour down in the middle of the day which was a shame.
Rebecca enjoyed her day. This was the first time for us to have entered a lamb so didn't really know what we/she were doing. She got a second for leading so she was wrapped with that. Scruffy behaved really well. Vun didn't do so good but did get a merit ribbon which he was wrapped with. Both lambs and kids enjoyed their day. The boys reckon next year they will enter a lamb. There were some beautiful looking calves and a gorgeous Hereford Bull who looked stunning for the occasion.
James got a second and third for his craft entries - which were off the page scrappbooking. Rebecca got a third for her pastel drawing, Callum didn't get any certificates and was disappointed but we have explained to him that thats they way things go and he does have his rugby trophies / certs. His teacher did comment on his cake and said he thought it was a great idea.
I am really impressed with the senior rooms pastel art work. All the pictures looked awesome and I have three original art works to frame!
1 comment:
Great work kids - you all did well. Just love the cakes. Scruffy must have done you proud Rebecca. Love the pastal drawing. Mum did well too - to transport and take photos etc. Good work Mum!!! As long as you all had fun doing things - it does not matter if you won or not - you are all winners with Nana and Grandad. xxx
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