Last Friday I went out to Yvonnes place for a lovely morning tea to raise money for the local Hospice - she raised $195 - fantastic - Good One Yvonne! It was the first time I had been out to her place and it was on the other side of Te Puke about 20 minutes from town. What a wonderful drive and an awesome view - just what I was needing on that particular day. It reminds me of the back of Kereru where we used to live.

I've also been spraying and milking the cows and have a bruise in the shape of a hoof mark on my arm to prove it.
And milking the cows and spraying is great for thinking, sorting out the worlds problems and its great for the mojo. So I scrapbook, do layouts and projects in my head while listening and singing to Miley Cyrus and Abba throu my MP3 player with every squirt of the sprayer. Yes the hills around here are really filling up with the Sound of Music!
So with that I have been scrapping!
I have made December Daily Album from Ali Edwards and its pretty plain and simple but I liked putting it together and I found in my stash a book of perforated Christmas pages that someone had given to me a couple of years ago and felt they were too pretty to use. I have gone beyond the 25 December and done the album for the whole month. I'm looking forward to taking daily photos and filling it up. I have used 12 x 12 cardstock cut to 6 x 6 and then made it into a book.

I made a card for a friend who is in hospital this week.

Also made this mini album for someone special.

The weather was ok when we started out last weekend to go to the Speedway, our second attempt! It was also the big fireworks display so we were all looking forward to it. The rain started to come down at about race 9 and the cars were getting a bit slippy on the track - made for good viewing for us but not so good for those in the races. So they had the fireworks early and call it a night and what a show the fireworks were - they were awesome!
I'm off to Delys Crams Christmas cracker workshop in Whakatane on Sunday afternoon and looking forward to that and this afternoon I'm milking.
Have a good day everyone!
Wow you have been busy - just might have to check out Ali Edwards as that wee book just seems to be popping up everywhere. Very cute and will be a lovely keepsake at the end of December.
Your photos of our place are great! Enjoy your Christmas cracker course, sounds lots of fun!
you have been a busy bee.....I bet you enjoyed that class Delys does fab xmas crackers and they are just stunning. Love your Ali e album, I started on mine finally yesterday......mine is smaller and I decided to use xmas papers and envelopes etc that have been sitting around sometime. What a lovely outing you had too, loved looking at those photos.
Very nice card you have for your friend. Mariposa's Friday Fill-ins
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