Lots has been happening - I'll fill you in as I go.
I left my job in town (half hour travelling each way) 2 weeks ago. The price of petrol was getting too much and we made the decision that I was worth more at home lol. I am now feeding 130 calves and awaiting the birth of another 600 cows. I thought I would have more time at home but the washing is still piled up and the bedrooms are still messy. Sigh. They told me I was going to be busy I guess I am but maybe I am just not a good time manager. Sigh.
But on the upside I have been doing lots of baking - a disastorous weetbix marshmellow slice (it didn't turn out right Karen - if anyone out there has a good recipe for this I am keen to try it), lemon slice, numerous banana cakes - even one with pink icing that surprisingly James didn't say something about, rice bubble slice, lots of crockpot meals and these - Belgium Bis